Case study - BT

MyQuote application

Whilst working for Virtusa I was assigned to a transformation project for BT, in order to update an application called MyQuote. Working with Project managers & developers based both in London and Belfast I was required to take the lead for a new UX for the application. Sense checking the existing application, gathering requirements & introducing new functionality. High fidelity prototyping for a slicker UX & UI.

Research | Wireframing | Prototyping | User testing | UI Design

The problem in brief

MyQuote is dated & needs to be able to initiate a bulk quote option, load time is excessive & we'd like to also optimise the flow and make good for future use.

Actions: Initial evaluation of existing flow. devising new flow based on requirements & new UX. Wireframing and prototyping presented back on regular calls with the MyQuote team.

Initial user flow

Initially working out of the Belfast office liaising closely with the lead angular developer & BA we devised a simple flow depicting where the opportunity for the bulk of the improvements were.

Hi-fidelity wireframes

Following on from the applications UX review I started to work up hi-fidelity wires to form the bases of the new application some of the screens for the proposed flow can be seen below.

The solution

Working out of the London office with regular checkins with the team in Belfast we created an improved shorter more streamlined flow shared with the team via a high fidelity prototype (using brand colours/fonts & icons) using sketch & Invision.

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